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Random useful and useless Rubberman info.
De l'info utile et inutile à propos de Rubberman.
- As a child, Keif was forced to learn how to play guitar by his parents. However, he actually started off on the accordion.
Enfant, Keif a été forcé à apprendre à jouer la guitare par ses parents. Cependant, il a commencé à l'accordéon.
- Keif swears in the second verse of More Than I Can Chew.
Keif sacre dans le deuxième couplet de More Than I Can Chew.
- Singles for Rubberman's album were released in this order: More Than I Can Chew, Bliss and Alice.
Les chansons de Rubberman ont paru à la radio dans cer ordre: More Than I Can Chew, Bliss et Alice.
- Rubberman had 3 videos: Breathe, More Than I Can Chew and Bliss (although this one was homemade with live concert footage).
Rubberman a eu 3 vidéos: Breathe, More Than I Can Chew et Bliss (quoique celui-ci était fait maison avec des clips de prestations).
- Rubberman entered Mix96's songwriting competition in 2002 and won 5th place. Funny thing is that they entered under the name "Stretchboy." Keif later commented about the choice of name on their message board:
Rubberman s'est inscrit au concours d'écriture de chansons de Mix96 en 2002 et a gagné la 5e place. La chose drôle c'est qu'ils se sont inscrits sous le nom "Stretchboy." Keif a commenté plus tard au sujet su choix de nom sur leur message board:
[Posted on 22-Jan-03 @ 12:15 AM]
Funny that you mentioned about performance and connections because I entered the competition deliberately under a false name to avoid just that. Truth is that a lot of the guitar tracks were done on my comp at home with a POD and Cool Edit. But you have to give some credit for the retardedness of the cool name I came up with. Maybe we shouldn't use Rubebrman anymore. Stretchboy sounds way cooler.... cough...
- Jonas was part of a blues band called Jonas And The Blues Blooded. They still play together to this date, but under the name Jonas. They are set to release their first full-length album on September 7th, 2004. The other members of the band are Corey Diabo, Guitar; Glen Hamilton, Bass and Dave Neil, Drums.
Jonas faisait partie d'un groupe de blues appelé Jonas And The Blues Blooded. Ils jouent encore ensemble à ce jour, quoique sous le nom Jonas. Leur premier album devrait parraître le 7 septembre 2004. Les autres membres du groupe sont Corey Diabo, Guitare; Glen Hamilton, Bass et Dave Neil, Batterie.
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